Woolworths Wine Specials Catalogue 10 – 16 Feb 2016
Amazing sales are going on Woolworths Catalogue! Do not let this summer pass unnoticed and lackluster! The Woolworths Catalogue provides you opportunity to take advantage of a stunning offer! No party or rendezvous is complete without a good drink! Hurry to take the chance to buy the best of the world of alcoholic beverages such as Jack Daniels Tennessee Fire, Sailor Jerry, Johnny Walker Red Label, Smirnoff Red label! A good bottle of champagne Grant Burge Pinot Noir Chardonnay, which is selected with taste, is a perfect complement the romantic evening of February 14, on Valentine’s Day!
Hurry to buy all for $ 40 and save $ 14 on purchase thanks the catalog “100 Days Of Summer”! But the best part at the end! Discounts on the best wines! 25 % off all wine in any 6 or more bottle buy! Do not forget about healthy eating! Thanks to Woolworths Catalogue you can buy thriftily healthy products, not only for you but for your cat! 10 amazingly delicious Strawberry Yogurts Chobani for only $ 10! And a sip of coffee Moccona that will cost you just $ 16 will help you wake up in the morning and overcome sleepiness in the evening! Moccona has a pleasant smell and taste.