Woolworths Libra Products 15 – 21 Jan 2020 | Catalogue Prices
Your endeavor to seek deals would never be a waste of time when you have the correct choice. Whatever you are looking for, know that there must be a good deal online somewhere. And also I want you to remember that searching is actually a skill. Browsing the Woolworths Catalogue, you can notice a good deal on Libra, which is the only Australian made feminine care product. Tampons and pads are on sale on pg 28. Woolies offers a half-price deal on that page. Don’t underestimate the cost of such health care products. In Germany, they have so much tax on tampons and so little in books, they have the tampon book. The Female Company states that the taxation on tampons is a sexist thing and they offer the tampon book. It seems like Germany sees tampons as luxury goods hence they have an added 19 percent tax. It’s of course ridiculous. Subscribe to the category to get more deals like Woolworths Libra products in the future.
Australians are lucky to have supermarkets like Woolworths. Not only the deals are making the weekly shopping great, but also their wide range of products and high availability are enjoyable things. Woolworths Libra products and deals from the latest catalogue: