Stratco Catalogue Big Sale 18 Oct – 3 Nov 2019

2 min.

Do your shopping for a home and DIY projects at Stratco and earn bonus items like Beefeater BBQ. Portable pools, panels, sheds, and a variety of home products are on sale. Stratco Catalogue promotes the 72 Months interest-free payment plan. Without deposit. Learn details on their online page. You can buy a new door for your shed. Double sliding doors, roller door, and gable roofs are available on pg 4. Stratco sells smaller products from that category, too. For example, see the smaller size sliding door shed variety on pg 6. The first 6 pages are mostly about sheds.
Go to pg 7 in the catalogue and see tool storage products and workbenches. Useful stuff for your working zone or garage. You can save 10% off storage products at Stratco with bonus 4x LED lights when you buy Stratco workbench stool for $59. Platinium shed kit is $3699.
A group of items consisting of hand tools and basics of DIY are browsable on pg 8. Long-lasting fairly-priced products from a hardware store seem to be an attractive trade for me.

Buy these tools from Stratco Catalogue Big Sale Oct deal:

Install some synthetic lawn where natural is tricky:
