Spotlight Catalogue Boxing Day 2019 | The Biggest Sale

2 min.

Spotlight promotes this 8-page catalogue as the biggest sale ever on the catalogue page. Spotlight Catalogue Boxing Day deals might be interesting for those who are interested in home decor, home improvement products, bedroom and bedding products, furniture, dresses and sewing, party supplies for the new year, craft & yarn deals, and more. Check out some half-price deals and even better deals than them on the first page of the Spotlight Catalogue.

In the new year, you might want to replace your old stuff that covers your floors. In such case, I recommend you to check out pg 2 of this catalogue until 2 Jan. That’s because Harrow, Astral & Ariel shaggy rugs are $79.

The set of bedroom products may make your entire house poor or rich, classic or modern, unkempt or tidy, and they have this impact since it’s like a centre part of your entire house. It’s where you sleep and live 1/3 of your life. Very important if you ask me. With that said, you don’t need to spend a fortune on the stuff you put there. Just wait for the good deals to buy your favourite sheets, quilts, Manchester or pillows.
