Repco Catalogue & Supercheap Auto Deal Jan 2023

2 min.
Table of Contents

Repco Catalogue offers a new stocktake sale this month. Engine oils, trolley jacks, loading ramps, car care accessories, and more items for your car are on sale at Repco and it is an extensive product range. Oils and additives category has 20% – 25% off discount on 5W-30 and 10W-40 products. Save 10% off oil + oil filter products. Supercheap Auto doesn’t have a new catalogue yet but you can see a gifting clearance sale on the website. That might come in handy. These products will only be offered for the shown prices while stocks last. Check out the Turtle Wax, Armor All, Ford products, and many more in this product range.

Repco Catalogue Stocktake Sale 4 – 17 Jan 2023

Explore the new offers like 30 & 40 month warranty batteries, Penrite Vantage, Repco 2000kg low profile trolley jack, Car Care accessories, and more products are featured items on the front page.

Supercheap Auto Gift Clearance Sale

Gift clearance actually shouldn’t suprise anybody. This is a classic type of deal just like stocktake sales after Christmas and New Year celebration. They have 63 items in the clearange sale. You can find car cleaning supplies, puzzles, toys, and licensed products like Minecraft Logo mouse pad in this page.

Supercheap Auto Gift Clearance Sale 

