New Year Sales Will Give You Inspiration

3 min.

We all love Coles Catalogues for their deals but they are also inspirational weekly magazines. I myself love Zooper Dooper Water Ice and I can buy it for only half price this week using Coles Catalogue. When you think about it, what makes a great New Year party? I would love to see my guests sucking on some zooper doopers in the corners of my living room.

IGA Catalogue New Year 2023 - 2024 Woolworths Catalogue New Year 2023 - 2024 Coles Catalogue New Year 2023 - 2024

Likewise, the New Year Celebration can be more fun with people participating and holding some Peters Lifesavers Icy Poles and dancing. Imagine that! And they will be on sale at Woolies! Of course, the traditionally beloved Pavlova is still relevant in the final week of December. But I can assure you your guests will love some Peters Lifesavers Icy Poles. Buy one pack for only $6 on Woolworths Catalogue this week.

That’s why I am saying these New Year deals from top catalogues can give you inspiration for your party. Woolworths offers great party supplies. Coles is the same. At IGA stores, you can find great food deals including steak.

Celebrate life. Celebrate New Year. But why not save money instead of sacrificing it when you can save more? You can do that at Woolies and Coles stores.

What if you don’t have one nearby? If you live close to an IGA store, they have a new IGA Catalogue, too. If you are a fan of half prices or the steak prices, you might wanna visit

What Kind of Party Will You Have?

I don’t know you but I love parties with old-fashion themes. Like the Back to the Future 50s theme with some Chuck Berry-style rock ‘n roll. The early 2000s with techno songs are cool, too. If you don’t want the hassle of loud music, open the TV, bake some cake and sit on your couch with the family. These stores will fulfill your need for snacks and refreshing drinks for summer.

Leave a comment talking about the upcoming party of yours so we can all get inspired by that.
