Nerf Gun Digital Target Christmas Price Comparison December 2019
The best price of the Nerf Gun Digital Target item is available on right now. With this Nerf Digital Target, kids can practice their skills. In order to buy this product, you can go to or if you don’t like that, we can see other prices, too. I checked, Kmart, Target, Myer, and Toyworld for this product. The best price seems to be at Big W. Myer has the same product Elite Digital Target. Its price is $35.96. At Target, it’s sold out online. Kmart offers $29 which is the second-best price after Big W.
In addition, Toyworld has a similar deal. But it’s not the same product. If you are looking for a Nerf Target, I think that might be a useful deal. Nerf Modulus Ghost Ops upgrade reflective targeting kit is $29.99 at Toyworld. Nerf Gun Digital Target products are interactive targets with light and sounds. It has modes, scoreboard, and you can mount it on the wall. Pretty good gift for Christmas. Check out these prices from different stores:
Also, in Big W Catalogue, you can see more targets for Nerf blasters. Visit pg 5 for a variety of Nerf products on Big W Catalogue Christmas sale.
- Target – Sold out online
- Myer Nerf Elite Digital Target $35.96 – Check out Myer Catalogue Christmas
- Kmart Nerf Digital Target $29 – Check out Kmart Catalogue Christmas
- Big W Nerf Digital Target $28 – save $7 – Check out Big W Catalogue
- Toyworld – Nerf Modulus Ghost Ops upgrade reflective targeting kit $29.99 – Browse Toy World Catalogue