Lay-By Big W Catalogue Toy Mania Bulky Toys 20 Jun – 10 Jul 2019

3 min.

Traditional and annual toy sales are now popping up on catalogue sites. One of the popular ones is Big W Catalogue Toy Mania sale currently. The retailer has 3 toy catalogues right now. In this particular catalogue, you can see the items that are available to a lay-by for Christmas. Open the catalogue to see “Christmas Lay-By Raincheck” marks on the items. Bulky toys are the selection but two more catalogues with many more pages have offers of smaller and single toys of top brands.
Browse these toys such as Hurricane tunnel water park, swingsets, jungle hopper, ride-on cars and more. Most of them are new on Big W Catalogue and online shop. One of the promotional products is Batman 6V car which I think will be a trend this month among toy sales. The new item will cost $199 and is lay-by only deal. Some toys are only purchasable as a lay-by. Another important thing about this sale is the price guarantee. The retailer promises 10% discount off a price you find elsewhere. The item must be identical. Learn the conditions for this to happen on pg 4. This is the smallest toy sale catalogue of Big W but you can also see Toy Mania catalogue and extended toy mania sale.

Lay-By Only Toys from the catalogue:

Lay-By only means that the item is not available in stocks right now. Order it to collect on 9 December 2019. Also, it’s possible to pre-order online to get it delivered. Other products are Christmas Lay-By Raincheck items and they have limited stocks of them. Customers will collect the additional stocks on 9 December 2019. Browse Myer, Target, ALDI toy sales, too.

See other Big W Catalogue toy sales:
