Harris Scarfe Catalogue Stocktake 22 – 29 Jan 2020

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Harris Scarfe Catalogue Stocktake 22 - 29 Jan 2020Harris Scarfe goes on impressing with the big stocktake sale featuring bedding products, clothing, electrical, kitchenware, and home appliances. Go to pg 2-3 of the new Harris Scarfe Catalogue to see a nice clothing range including shorts, jeggings, shoes, and more products with 30-40% off prices. Cool products are available for men, too. People tend to buy more sportswear in January and February. Most catalogues have activewear deals currently. Find tights and crop leggings for ladies on pg 4. You can find shorts and tees for men, too. Fila Jerome Tank will cost only $14.95. Browse Harris Scarfe Catalogue Stocktake 22 – 29 Jan for extraordinary prices and discount rates.

Buy modern home appliances at lower costs using catalogues. New steam mops, vacuums, toaster & kettles are available on pg 7. Modern handheld vacuum cleaners occupy less space than ever. They have powerful motors and cool design, too. MXT Cordless handheld vacuum cleaner will cost only $129.95 this week at Harris Scarfe. You can save $120 on that product.

Find more electrical solutions for your daily life problems at home. You might have new decisions for the new year. If you are planning to lose some weight, blenders will come in handy. Nutritional shakes are important supporters of exercise and a healthy life. Or you can simply make your lunch drink with these blenders.

From Harris Scarfe Catalogue Stocktake 22 – 29 Jan:

Home appliances:
