Early Settler Catalogue Outdoor Furniture 2019

3 min.

This collection of Early Settler offers a unique experience with different styles of outdoor furniture. Mainly hardwoods made, the beautiful product range of outdoor products is one of the best among all. Encounter 5 different styles of the furniture from this catalogue; natural, urban, coastal, French and limited edition. 110 pages of this catalogue successfully demonstrate what Early Settler wants to pass to the customers. My favourite style is “natural”. Being a modern style, it is also an authentical experience of connection of basic human form to nature. A great example of this style is Calico armchair and Calico ottoman coffee table. Metalcore and legs, thin but durable hardwood arms and back. As simple as it’s beautiful. There is no need for overthinking for what to buy if you have a summer house near the beach. This furniture can make a great hotel garden, too. Just like those promotion sayings “Bring hotel comfort to your home and garden”.
I think Early Settlers has done everything properly in this style. If you want to set up a sofa set in your backyard, one of the options is Ellie collection. Find Ellie 3 piece sofa set which is only $1290. You will get a Seater sofa and two armchairs. Go to pg 14-15 to see these. Harlow collection costs the same and you will see more of a living room-like furniture with that style. Moreover, there is also comfortable cushions as accessories.
More than 4 parties might struggle with that furniture style though. I recommend you to dining tables like those of Haven collection for more than 4 companies. Prices of 7 pce package chairs and dining tables are available on pg 18-19.
The catalogue also offers more minimalist designs like Urban. This style offers more whites and black metals. Stools, cosy seater sofas, wood colour coffee tables, and like-class furniture is the Urban product range within outdoor furniture from Early Settler Catalogue. The whole range here aims to be outdoor furniture of Early Settler.
