Coles Catalogue Update 18 – 24 Mar 2020 | Temporary Removal of Catalogues

Coles removed Coles Catalogues from the official website. According to the catalogue page where you can find the decision, it’s related to the Coronavirus. They will NOT deliver new Coles Catalogues temporarily. I don’t know how long that will take. That’s basically about the increasing demand. We discussed that recently. Coles says they restock everything and if people shop normally, they would be enough for everyone. Also, read about the limits on some products in the previous post. Major supermarkets like this one will also have dedicated hours for the elderly and disabled. During the absence of the Coles catalogues, you may go to specials page of Coles to see the top products. After all, we’ll continue to share the top products, new specials, and like-class Coles deals on Receive a newsletter providing your email. The recent Coles Catalogue Update:

Coles Catalogue Update 18 - 24 Mar 2020 | Temporary Removal of Catalogues

Coles Catalogue Cleaning Products 18 – 24 Mar

If you isolated yourself at home like millions of people all around the world, you might want to do some cleaning. Luckily, there are some half-price deals on certain chemical cleaning items like Biozet Attack, Cold Power, Fairy platinium plus dishwashing tablets, and more on the catalogue.Coles Catalogue Update 18 - 24 Mar 2020 | Temporary Removal of Catalogues

Coles half-price deals on cleaning supplies: