Coles Catalogue Specials 21 Oct 2015
If you intended to shop the lowest prices for the maximum savings Coles Catalogue specials are what you are seeking. The latest products and price information can be seen on the catalogue page. The most savings can be achieved with the half price products. This catalogue specials are everyday prices. Snacks, chips, V energy drink, favourite brands of beverage. These are mostly available on pg 2-3. Confectionery, candies, beverage brands like Pepsi and Coca Cola are featured on pg 4&5. Special price TimTam choc banana is 2 for $5 ! Check this out on pg 6. New price range for the pantry products and nutritious breakfast food are available on pg 8&9. Some of these are Nutri Grain of Kellogg’s, Nutella hazelnut spread, Cadbury cooking chocolate.
- PANTRY products including rice bran oil, pasta&sauce, Dolmio pasta bake, chunky soup, McKenzie desicated coconut ON PG 10&11
- EVERYDAY prices for pantry products are featured on pg 12. See Italian dressing, red salmon, tomato sauce, pink salmon, noodles ON PG 12
- SEAFOOD and new recipe by Curtis are featured on pg 14&15. This includes fresh salmon, basa fillets thawed, Danish feta, twigo sticks, Primo Frankfurts ON PG 14&15
- HALLOWEEN SAT 31 OCT pumpkin offers and some fresh food like gold sweet potatoes, broccoli bunch and many more offers ON PG 16&17
- PACKAGED FOOD VARITEY featuring burger, ice cream, thai curry, premiere desserts ON PG 21
- SPECIAL of Coles is steam dinners from Birds Eye SteamFresh lemon, whole grains steam meals ON PG 22
- McCain BBQ meatlovers, party pack of Sargents and many more offers similar to these are available ON PG 22-23
- NATURE’S OWN glucosamine, odourless fish oil, vitamin b12 ON PG 25
More than these grocery products you can see Woolworths and IGA specials. Check out all the catalogues to save more.