Coles Catalogue Half Prices 8th April
We will select only half priced products of latest Coles Catalogue. Reading this post you can reach all of the half price specials of Coles Catalogue this week. Pretty quality of food items, specials of Coles, new supermarket deals and soft drinks are among these half price specials. Remember to check out other retailers related to supermarket grocery catalogues as well. You can find them on the main page right side. Also check out “catalogues” tag to see full list of catalogues with images linked to the actual catalogue.
Coles Catalogue Half prices 8th April products are present in separate pages so that you may have difficulty to collect them in your mind. At once you can visit this post to see them with the list below.
Coles Cover Page Half Prices
Continental Cup a Soup 2 serve $1
Weet Bix $2.23
Up&Go Breakfast Reduced Sugar $2.23
Peters Drumstick 4pack-6pack $3.99
Coles Breakfast and Half Prices
Cadbury Brunch Bars $2 PG; 3
Peanut Butter, Kraft, $2.84
Maharajah’s Choice Basmati Rice $8.75
Beyond 100% pure coconut water slimline can $1
Nestle Milo Cereal $2.49
New Freedom cereals of nutritious blends are available on pg; 16 with half prices. Check out these new deals of Coles in this week. Coles Catalogue offers best prices for these products.
Freedom Foods Gluten Free Muesli $3
Almond Breeze Unsweetened UHT milk $1.64
These are the highlighted food products of half price specials of Coles Catalogue. Other than these please mind the Coles specials that are on the end of the catalogue.