Coles Catalogue 9 Sep 2015
Check out new prices of the specials from Coles Catalogue 9 Sep 2015 featuring the best of meat, fresh food, other special products. Coles is a unique retailer of regular weekly shopping addresses. From your favorite snacks to very natural and organic products you will be browsing one of the highest quality product range as you do it at Coles every week. One of the most popular product range of Coles catalogues is half price products. See new half price products like Magnum ice cream, CAdbury chocolate, Doritos chips, cottonelle bathroom tissue. All of these are available in the main page of the catalogue. Digital offers of Coles are not things to be miseed out. Every week you can save more and this will be a good profit at the end of the year.
- BREAKFAST nutrition with Kraft singles, Mainland buttersoft butter, Don meat, Original black label juice 1.5 L, and similar products PG 2
- EVERYDAY range of Coles consisting of milk, chunks of tuna fish and other fish varieties PG 3
- SNACKS AND CONFECTIONERY bombarded with the savings of Coles. the Catalogue offers are perfect especially in the candy section of PG 4&5
- SNACKS like packaged food matching your math in the TV. Check out footy finals of Coles Catalogue PG 8&9
- EASY MEALS with the brands of the top quality and they are your favourites. Top selling packaged food are Lean cuisine mexican chicken, Pacific West Extra large fish fillets PG 10-11
- SPECIAL: INDIAN FOOD packaged food varieties ON PG 14
- PACKAGED food products that includes breakfast food like Kellogg’s cereals, cheerios, crispy, Kraft peanut butter PG 16&17
Read recipe of crispy lamb cutlets on pg 18. Lamb cutlets is only $24 kg and you will save $11 per kg. Colesfresh section offers all these.