Are you one of those who don’t like to spend at gym but want to exercise daily ? You are in the correct place to find affordable price range for the fitness equipment. Big W Catalogue Fitness 19 Jan – 1 Feb 2017 product list will be one of the primary sources for customers who like to spend less. On pg 12-13 of the latest Big W Catalogue you can check out price information of fitness equipment. Moreover, active wear, underwear and similar sort of items are featured. Until 1 February 2017 you will have the chance to purchase these products at Big W for the prices shown on the catalogue.
Accessories, Bikes, Dumbbells, and Yoga on pg 12 will help you in your daily exercising. Working out made simpler !
MB Active 12 kg dumbbell set $49 pg 12
MB Active massage ball $10 – save $5
MB Active Yoga strap and block $10
Circuit 20 kg barbell set $30
Dunlop digital skipping rope $10 – save $2
Circuit mini bike $49 – save $30
Dunlop 75 cm gym ball $10 – save $2
Repco Womens haven 66 cm mountain bike $99 ea
For Boxing gloves check pg 13. Barbell set and mini bike are contained within that selection. This is the frame you want to see when you like to spend less for the premium quality. I think there is no need to search further for your ideal combination of fitness equipment to be used at home. You can also think professional if you are an owner of a gym.
Citcuit mini bike $49 – save $30 pg 13
Emerson womens tech mesh panel tee $15
Circuit 20 kg barbell set $30
VIP medium or large bag mitts $20 pr
Fila Magnetic programmable bike $149 – save $50
Fila spin bike or strider $249 ea
Eliptical strider is one of the most effective tool to loose fat. An intense program on daily basis will make you progress a lot. Don’t miss out the price of Big W for this product !