ALDI Catalogue 8 January Deals 2020 | Catalogue Sale
The new ALDI Catalogue has been published and you can browse all the deals today. Check out electronics, hot cross products, swimwear, and possibly electronics like TVs inside the new catalogue. ALDI special buys can be a relief for you if you wanted to buy some of these products or the likes. Buy a 4K TV that can run Netflix, Youtube, and similar streaming apps. Back to school sale is also on this ALDI Catalogue. Shop the deals on beauty products. Lacura`s special beauty bargains are something to see on pg 8-9. Lip Balm 3pk 4.8g will cost $2.
In fact, this ALDI Catalogue 8 January deals are not so different but the important thing is to catch the correct time. They are not always available. They don`t even offer or keep stocks. They arrive on the specified day, if you get them on that day, you may save. Otherwise, it may even be useless to browse a catalogue.
- Fruit hot cross buns 6pk $2.99 pg 3
- Chocolate chip hot cross buns 6 pk $2.99
- Fruitless hot cross buns 6pk $2.99
Swimwear and beach products:
- Adult`s Australia Day hat or cap $6.99 pg 4
- Tee or singlet $7.99
- Boardshorts $8.99
- Snorkel and flipper set $19.99
- No Mess mat $13.99 pg 5
- Coleman collapsible cooler $29.99
- Pro bodyboard $19.99
- Bronte beach chair $29.99
New TV deals and back to school:
- 4K Ultra HD smart TV with HDR pg 6
- Bluetooth Soundbar $69.99
- Full HD TV with built-in DVD player $279 pg 7
- Bluetooth headphones $24.99
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